
Against child abuse (ACA)

With a focus to support young children and cross border families, we have built close relationship with the Against Child Abuse (“ACA”), a non-government child protection agency in Hong Kong, participating family tours to various parks in Hong Kong and organizing Christmas celebration luncheons.  All of which were very special and left remarkable memories to the families and our volunteers involved. 

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Against Child Abuse Parent-Child Athletic Camp
29 May 2016
Location of Service : Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp (保良局賽馬會大棠渡假村)
Target Group : ACA families
Number of Beneficiaries : 90
Number of Volunteers : 30

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ACA DTFU Christmas Lunch Buffet
10 Dec 2016
Location of Service : Hong Kong Parkview
Target Group : ACA families
Number of Beneficiaries : 150
Number of Volunteers : 40


local community center

Over the past years DTFU continues its support to the local community.  We have arranged in collaboration with local community centers to distribute “fortune-bags” during the Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival to elderly groups in various communities. 


Dragon Boat Festival Rice Dumplings Distribution
4 June 2016
Location of Service : Kwun Tong Tsui Ping Road Estate Kaifong Welfare Association (官塘翠屏道邨街坊福利會)
Target Group : Elderly at age of 70 and above at 翠屏邨
Number of Beneficiaries : 600
Number of Volunteers : 25


Chinese New Year Gifts to Elders
6 February 2016
Location of Service : Pok Oi Hospital Chan Feng Men Ling Care & Attention Home (博愛醫院陳馮曼玲護理安老院)
Target Group : Elderly
Number of Beneficiaries : 156
Number of Volunteers : 20

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Mid-Autumn Festival Moon Cakes and Fruits Distribution
10 Sept 2016
Location of Service : ELCHK, Shatin District Community Centre for the Golden-Aged (信義會沙田多元化金齡服務中心)
Target Group : Elderly
Number of Beneficiaries : 200
Number of Volunteers : 25


Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese Opera Night
16 Sept 2018
Location of Service : 大埔運頭塘邨-民政事務總署運頭塘鄰里社區中心
Target Group : Elderly
Number of Beneficiaries : 300
Number of Volunteers : 16


EXPOSURE IN mainland China

We are supportive in the funding education related projects.  The early years of a child's life are very important and it will be a very sad case if opportunity to learn is limited due to poor living standard.  We have extended our servicing work to the mainland China in 2016. With the help of 15 volunteers, DTFU has supported 10 primary and secondary school children with academic funds, and 250 children with personal supplies in Youxi, Fujian.  We travelled to their homes one by one to show our sincere supports in October 2016. Villages in Youxi are very remote that takes at least 40 minutes to the closest city.


School Visit at Youxi, Fujian
Oct 2018
Location of Service : Youxi, Fujian (福建尤溪)
Target Group : Children and Teenagers
Number of Beneficiaries : 250
Number of Volunteers : 15

DONATIONS & CERTifications


As we continue to work with ACA and other charity groups, we believe we could expand this charity service into a larger scale with more charity groups’ involvements in years to come. We intend to influence the community with more attention be given to the underprivileged families, and to provide a better upbringing environment for their children.

We are particularly fond of projects that provide direct benefit to a specified need and we constantly explore innovative ideas and exciting projects.  This way our volunteers would enjoy in taking part and our sponsor would appreciate the good course they supported. We believe it is through amusement and joy we can attract more volunteers to participate in charity work and raise awareness about the importance of supporting others in need.